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Sod -- how fresh must it be?

Today I was overjoyed to see someone had posted on Craigslist, "About 40 extra rolls of lawn sod, delivered fresh this morning, resting covered in the shade. Free to the first person(s) who arrive." We desperately need a new front lawn and the cost is a concern since I am on unemployment (I'm a laid off teacher). So I emailed the people immediately, giving them my email and phone number. And I wait. And wait. It's 10:45 pm now and I wonder if the cretins meant to put their address or phone number in the ad, and forgot? They haven't responded to my email.
So, my question is this: IF they respond, is it worth a 60-mile round-trip drive with our little trailer, and all our time and effort to install this sod? What are the chances that it will survive? I had understood that it is pretty traumatic for grass and it needs to be installed "yesterday". I can't help but thinking the people who posted the ad must be complete idiots, first to miscalculate their needs by 40 rolls and then to write an ad, even take a photo of the sod, then not control their email. (I suppose I should instead be praising their good intentions to give it away -- but by the time they read their email they should pay somebody to take it to the dump).
I am sorry I cannot tell you guys what type of grass it is. We are in zone 9 -- specifically, the sod is in San Martin, California which is just south of San Jose. A lot of people use fescues around here. The weather has been warm during the day -- highs around 73 degrees Fahrenheit but getting down to 49 degrees in the night (that's a high of around 23 degrees Celsius and a low of 9).
What is your advice? Should I go get it and install it, or save ourselves the time, gas (petrol, that is :D ), and trouble? By the way, it will only cover about half of our main lawn... but for free I thought I would try... Before seeing this ad I was considering seeding the lawn ourselves with Bermuda grass seed from Home Depot. Thanks in advance for your responses!

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Location: Lebanon, Pa

I would go get it. Lay it and water immediately. The sod is a lot tougher than you think. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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