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Scott's Weed & Feed - Apply Before/After Crabgrass Appears?

When using this in the spring is it required that you wait until crabgrass/dandelion leaves appear before applying to lawn or does it work earlier than that and reduce their appearance. I understand it has to go on before the flowers start for sure.

Greener Thumb
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I don't use any of the weed&feed type stuff - but the directions should be on the bag.

if it uses a pre-emergent, that has to go on before weed seeds sprouts.
crass grass is an annual - sprouts every year from last year crop.
but keep in mind pre-emergents stop pretty much any seed from germinating - including (real) grass seeds - in the event you're patching spots or overseeding.

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Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2012 10:01 am
Location: Kingston Ontario

Thanks for the info on the product, appreciate it.

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