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Location: Kingston Ontario

Watering Times for Seeded Area

I am in the process of seeding an area after having 2 large trees taken down and plan on using sterlie top soil with compost. The area is on a slope and roughly 60 feet long by 12 feet wide. I am wondering how long should I run this zone on my inground sprinkler to keep the soil moist but not soaked until the grass gets a hold and starts growing. The sprinkler heads in this area are the rotating type. My understanding from doing a google search is to keep the soil moist about 2 inches down. Thanks for any info on my watering times.

Posts: 14067
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Watering times depends on your soil. You just have to run the sprinkler and physically check how deep the water gets by poking a stick or digging a small hole so you can see how far down the water gets. You also have to check again to see how long it takes for the soil to dry out. Sandy soils will take more water, clay soils will hold onto water longer.

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