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What Can Be Used to Kill This Weed Spreading in Lawn?

What can I use to kill this weed that is taking over my lawn??


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There are more weeds than grass. You have to keep it mowed and prevent them from seeding. Allowing them to seeds will just let them spread more.

You will have to either dig out the clumps or if you use a weed killer, use one for crabgrass. Make sure that you read the label and follow the directions.

Honestly, the grass is in such poor condition, it may be better to kill everything and replant. If grass is cared for and healthy it should be able to crowd out weeds. If not, the weeds take over.

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Those are Sheep Sorrel. Some people consider it a good wild harvestable.

"Weeds" are also helpful indicators for diagnosing the condition of your garden/soil. Sheep Sorrel growing in the lawn -- it's also indication that you need to apply lime.

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