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newly seeded lawn jump start suggestion

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Killed off then after 2 weeks, newly planted a 4 blend of Kentucky bluegrass about 1 year ago. Came in well in most places but just wanted to see if there is anything I can do to invigorate it a bit more and have it just take off like crazy. Still has full golden blades within and golden on the top of some green blades. Other bluegrass yards are greening up much faster than mine and don't see many golden blades. Not sure if it's just the fast that it's still early April and I should be patient for another 2 to 3 weeks. I've fertilized it about 2 weeks ago with normal spring fert with no preemergents this time.
I was wondering the aisle and Menards and saw bags of gypsum and also saw bags of manure/dirt combo. Could I sprinkle some of this over the entire yard to just make it grow and green up like nuts?
Thanks for any suggestions to get things kickstarted.

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Your grass will only be as good as the prep. A soil test will give you specific recommendations for fertilizer that you need.
Grass is high maintenance. It requires a lot of fertilizer, water, pest and disease control and need to be properly mowed. It should be aerated and topdressed annually or semiannually. It needs to be mowed at the proper height so as not to scalp the lawn or harm the roots or grass. Sharpen your mower blades and service the mower annually.

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