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Do I need a separate sprayer for each thing around the house

I currently only have one round up sprayer.

I use it for weed killer (for 2 years now and always empty it after each use) last week I washed it out really well, and sprayed the side of my vinyl house with 1/2 water 1/2 clorox... but dummy me forgot to wash and rinse after I was done and it sat with 1/4 full of the bleach mixture for about a week. Now I need to spray insecticide (Taurus SC... found some termites behind my shed :? ) But my question is... do I need one sprayer for weeds, one for insects, and one for bleach? I cant imagine mixing any of the following is a good idea.

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Good or not I would wash & air-dry sprayer. None a this is in food contact. Sprayers you want food-safe I might segregate.

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My husband does the spraying and we have two sprayers. One for bugs and one for Canadian thistle and cockle bur plant in the pasture. But the mosquitoes were so bad when he was spraying the plants that he combined them. I think it was round-up and tempo. But not sure. We don't rinse ours out but then we don't use it for anything we would eat.

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I only only use organic methods and keep the sprayer for fertilizing separate from the sprayer for insecticide. But I would keep the one used for herbicide separate, too. In my case, I never use herbicides except to pour boiling water on the patio weeds.

Though I don't use harsh chemicals, I would think it would be a good precaution to not mix chlorine based liquid with anything that could contain or could break down into ammonia, and that would include fertilizer. And thoroughly washing the sprayer after using (or before using for something else) as recommended according to directions for the product is essential.

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I hardly use any chemicals anymore, but when I do, I have separate sprayers. I even have a tank sprayer for misting water.
I have one for fungicides, one for the organic pesticides, one for the organophosphates (I label it ornamental), One for systemics (Actually that one is a bucket not a sprayer) and one for weed killer. Most of them are bottle sprayers but a few are pressure sprayers, I have one with a green cover, one yellow and one that is red.

I have each of them labeled separately. I know of one orchidist who accidentally killed his collection by using weed killer instead of fungicide. When other orchidists found out what happened, people started giving him a couple of orchids they had and in the end, he ended up with a better collection. But, he makes sure the containers are clearly marked now and he reads the labels.

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