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rampant Zoysia grass

our lawn is Zoysia grass which is Hardy and we generally like it. However we need to create a barrier to stop the grass, which spreads by sending underground vine-like roots, from spreading and taking over the rock garden on the edge of the lawn. Edging material I've seen in the garden stores only go a few inches deep so I don't think it'll do much good. Look forward to hearing from gardeners.

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Zoysia doesn't grow that fast, but I know of no way to stop any grass from going out of bounds except by regularly edging it. I put down a layer of bricks next to my edging for my border plants, the St. Augustine grass I have is more aggressive than zoysia and constantly tries to go over not under the edging. The brick layer help keep the grass a little farther from the edging and also gave the mower wheels a place to rest. It was impossible to mow right up against the edging.

Since, I have a small yard, I have switched to a weed whacker. A straight shaft weed whacker can also be used as an edger. I am not very good at it so after I cut the grass, the swirls are visible, but some people really know how to do it smoothly. It does not matter, I only have the grass because commieville requires it, otherwise, I would not have any at all, it is just too high maintenance.

I did have zoysia before and I liked it. I only had to mow it every three months and it does not have long runners so it wasn't that hard to edge it. It does form tufts but regular dethatching, aerating and top dressing kept that problem at bay.

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