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Veg/Fruit/Flower combination

Don't know if this is a valid guild or not, but I'm loving the play of color in this grouping. This is the fence corner planted with Triple Crown thornless blackberry. To fill in the rest of the space, I planted Early Black Japanese eggplants. Bachelors Buttons and Calendula that my MIL had given me are providing this terrific color contrast as well as the hint of purple in the center of the blue flowers that set off so nicely with the deep purple/black of the eggplants (gotta take another photo when they flower). In the right bottom corner, one of the Breadseed Poppy seedheads just made it into the frame, and Sweet Charley strawberry runner is trying to creep its way in from the next bed. A Shagbark hickory sprouted from a forgotten squirrel stash, but obviously it can't stay here. :roll:

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What else can I say?! I love it. I'm gradually doing more with integrating veggies and flowers instead of having them so segregated.... Next year more. I have two long beds that are in my sunniest spots that are all flowers; it's my hummingbird/ butterfly garden. But I'm eyeing that, thinking it would sure be nice to put some veggies in there, since I have limited sunny area for growing veggies...

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Green Thumb
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Very nice. I like the mix.
I have volunteer flowering plants growing in with my veggies in my pots and beds.
I put pots of flowering plants in my veggie beds to attract bees.
The peppers need the color near by. So many of the tiny peppers fell off of one plant.

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re: Veg/Fruit/Flower combination

You all might appreciate the garden you can view if you click on the link in my signature which includes companion planting of vegetables, fruit, and flowers. We used Bachelors Buttons and Calendula too.

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