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New Plant-all shade

I just received a beautiful "endless summer' hydrangea for a gift and a person at the local nursery said that in my southwest climate it needs to be in complete shade but all books etc. say hydrangeas need sun. I am unsure where to plant it-can you help

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Greener Thumb
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Location: Summerville, GA, Zone 7a

In Central Florida, mine were in nearly full shade, but I had 2-3 hours of good solid afternoon sun for them. They did pretty well.

The southwest being drier, I haven't got the best advice for ya. Hopefully someone else will chime in.

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Thank You

The Helpful Gardener
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Grey offers a good solution for you. The intense sun of the southwest will scald leaves if given full reign, so partial shade is best. If you can keep the primetime sun off it (10 to 2), it should be fine. And no special pruning; prune those spent flowers off and a new set appears! Like magic (as far as hydrangeas go...) :D


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