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Blue Hydrangea in Container - Remove from container?

I recently received a beautiful blue hydrangea in a gallon sized clay pot.
Searching through info, I still don't know if I can keep it in the container. As the blooms fade, should I remove them or just let them turn brown? If I need to remove them, how far down the stem should I cut? Once the current blooms are gone, can I expect anymore?

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Hi Franny!

Hydrangeas are one of my faves - you are so lucky to get one as a gift! :)

It will need a bigger pot than a gallon - the roots need room to expand, and if it is blooming it may already need a bigger pot.

As for pruning, it depends on what kind of hydrangea it is. Some bloom on new growth, others bloom on old growth. You can cut the new growth bloomers, but the old growth ones it's best to wait until the following spring and see which stems came back to life and which the plant decided to leave be - and cut those out.

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