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Getting Bay Laurel tree ready for re-potting

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 10:52 pm
by pepperhead212
Are bay leaves one of those things in shortage in the markets? I don't think I'll have to worry about it! :lol:

I trimmed the bay laurel, getting it ready to re-pot tomorrow. It was the worst one of the bunch out there, drying out quickly (in cool weather) after soaking the rootball, so it must be really badly rootbound. So I cut a large amount of the branches off - there might be a couple more I'll cut off -and tomorrow I'll re-pot it.
ImageTrimmed bay leaves, getting plant ready to re-pot. 10-10 by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageTrimmed Bay Laurel, 10-10, ready for re-potting. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Re: Getting Bay Laurel tree ready for re-potting

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:13 pm
by imafan26
Looks good. I have a few bay laurel as well, so I don't have a shortage. I have both the lauris nobilis and the California Bay. California bay is the most common one sold in the spice bottles but it is related to true bay leaves, but is not the same and California Bay has a stronger flavor.

Re: Getting Bay Laurel tree ready for re-potting

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 11:02 pm
by pepperhead212
I pulled the pot off the BL today, and it was solid! Not as solid as the lime tree, which I had to cut off, but a photo shows the roots growing up, into the hydroton; I was surprised it hadn't grown through the fabric. I trimmed it down to about the same size as the lime tree, but only to about an 8 gal fabric pots. I "sifted" a bunch of the soil out of these roots, and used about 50/50 with the new. While doing this, and mixing the two together, I did something REALLY STUPID, and sliced the tip of my R index finger. Very quickly, I put my thumb over it (along with whatever dirt was there!), and the wheels started turning, wondering what on earth could have done this? Then it dawned on me - that knife, which was razor sharp, had slipped into the tub with the dirt! I blurted out something I can't print here, like "You dumb s#*®!" I went inside, rinsed the dirt off as much as possible, then took my thumb off the cut and rinsed it out, then poured some peroxide on it, rinsed, and more peroxide...eventually, the pain went down, and I dried it, put criss-cross Nexcare bandages on it (most waterproof, in my experience), and went out and got into the dirt again! :lol:

The bay laurel is finished, and after I got it back up on the deck, I made a solution of Bt israelensis (to prevent fungus gnats), using some saved rain water (chlorine might kill the bacteria), and poured over 2 gal of the solution into the pot, before it was just starting to leak. I soaked the surface of other pots, too, but I'll do it again, before bringing them in.

ImageA photo of the bay laurel, showing the roots growing up, into the mulch, after I pulled the pot off. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageTrimmed root ball of bay laurel, showing the old boning knife I use to trim them. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageRe-potted bay laurel, ready to come inside, once it gets cooler. by pepperhead212, on Flickr