Super Green Thumb
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Anybody ever grow Mexican oregano?

I had tried finding the seeds for Lippia graveolens in the past, but have not been able to find them - only plants - despite seeing photos of flowering plants. Even Richter's and ebay didn't have them. However, I got a new batch of Mexican oregano recently, so I got one of my trusty eye loupes, and went through a tsp or so of the herb, and found a number of tiny blossoms, many opened, and I just broke them apart, looking for anything appearing to be a seed. I got two of them, and put them on a pad, soaked with 1,000 ppm GA-3, and in just 24 hours it had sprouted - probably even less time, given the size of it. I'll put it in a Jiffy pellet, to start out, and see how it goes.
ImageSprouted Mexican oregano seed. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

I started some Cleopatra oregano this way, a couple weeks ago. I got the seeds a couple years ago, but didn't have any luck with them, until starting some with some GA-3.

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How cool is that! That’s fantastic! :()

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I usually grow them from cuttings. I also have lippia micromera which is a close relative. Neither of these plants reseed themselves readily even though they are almost constantly in flower. I lost my lippia graveolens and need to find another plant as well. I don't find the taste between the two to be that much different.

Super Green Thumb
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Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:52 pm
Location: Woodbury NJ Zone 7a/7b

Good to know, imafan. Looked up L. micromera - a.k.a. Jamaican oregano, and no seeds for that one anywhere, either. So that one also must not re-seed easily.

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