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Can't identify this mint plant. Is it really mint?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:52 am
by Asymptomatic
Hello Helpful Gardeners!

I live in China and I bought some "Lemon Mint" and "Mint" on line. I started growing them in small pots in my kitchen planning to transplant later. I wanted mint for cooking and I like adding it to tea.

Anyways, the leaves of both plants look the same and look nothing like any of the mint plants or mint sprouts I can find pictures of on the web. I scrolled through hundred of images and found none. Can anyone here tell me if I am really growing some kind of mint?
Mint Photo
Mint Photo

Re: Can't identify this mint plant. Is it really mint?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:04 am
by applestar
There are many kinds in the mint “family” but ones called “mint” should have the minty sharp smell that range in quality — but they can smell different like peppermint or spearmint. Some plants are in the mint family but not minty, like Lemon Balm/Melissa. Some plants can have minty smell but is not actually part of the mint family.

- do they have square stems? = mint family
- what do they smell like? They should at least have some kind of strong scent when a leaf is held between thumb and forefinger, then the fingers are sniffed. Also try drying then crushing the dried leaf — this will concentrate the aroma

...there is a kind of lamium (part of mint family and has square stems) that is considered a weed here and does not have any aromatic scent called Henbit. These leaves remind me of henbit. It IS an edible, forageable weed though.

Re: Can't identify this mint plant. Is it really mint?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:26 am
by Asymptomatic
Thanks for the fast response applestar!

So I plucked a leaf off since I have cinnamon on top the soil. I smelled it and I can not detect any mintness. The stem does seem squarish though not really sure since it is so tiny still.

I am drying a leaf in the sun and will check for smell again later. I did look up the herb Henbit and it does seem to look more like it. If the seller sold me Henbit I will be a sad panda. However I might still grow it and eat it, just to try.

Re: Can't identify this mint plant. Is it really mint?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:32 am
by Asymptomatic
Dried it out, nothing minty about it. Seller won't respond to emails or texts. I guess I need to get someone in America to send me some mint seeds. As to what it is, so far your guess of henbit is the best guess.

Re: Can't identify this mint plant. Is it really mint?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 6:51 am
by applestar
Ah bummer.

Can you find fresh mint at all at the food market? If you can find some that still has turgid leaves, the stems should still be alive enough to root. Mint is not difficult to grow from cuttings.