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Help for my droopy oregano

My oregano plant is incredibly droppy. In the same box I also have thyme and rosemary and they are both doing very well. How do I revive it? It's in a sunny location and I give it enough water, are there any other causes? How do I fix it?

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Its a guess, but how much light does it get? The stems look like they have longer than normal internodes,

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Perhaps it is over-watered? Plants can wilt if under watered or over watered. Many herbs, including the ones you mentioned, don't like to be wet. In general, if your plants are wilting and the soil is wet, you are probably over-watering.

The oregano could be over-watered even if the others aren't, if the pot tilts a little towards it or for some other reason that end holds more water, or if it is getting less light (if it is growing less leafy, it won't take up as much water).

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How much water are you giving it? Why do you think it’s enough? Do you feel the top of the soil or do you heft the container to test? Do you water until excess water comes out from the drain holes in the bottom and do you make sure to empty the drip tray within 6 hours?

I agree this is probably either too little water or too much water situation.

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