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Drooping Lavender

Hi I just recently was gifted a Spanish Lavender for Mother's Day by my boyfriend. I know nothing of growing this beautiful plant so I researched it. My plant looked amazing when I received it and a couple days ago I gave it a little water, not to much as I read they don't like alot of water. well the next day my lavender was starting to droop so I am now wondering if I didn't water it enough. I have included pics of what it looked like before and what it looks like now. I gave it a little more water today but I noticed the bottom of the pot is still dry and maybe looking a little root bound. Help please as I don't want to lose my lavender. I will add that I live in Colorado not sure what my zone is.

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When you pick up the pot, does the whole thing feel too heavy and sense of light/hollow in the pot? Then it needs water. Even lavender should be watered thoroughly until water comes out from the bottom.

Lavender needs a lot of light. Is this where you have been keeping it?

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