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Re: Marjoram & Thyme is anyone growing these?

I had a patch of marjoram for years, but it was killed last winter, with that intense cold. I thought that it reseeded every year, but it must have been a rootstock that grew back, like the sage (which also died, after many years). The marjoram seeds didn't result in the same plants, so next season I'll have to take a trip to Franklinville.

I always used the marjoram fresh, and I would harvest a bunch of it before it went to seed, and salt-layer it, to use the rest of the year. Tried it indoors, but it attracted spider mites, like many plants seem to, despite having no problems outside.

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Marjoram is sweeter and less bitter than Greek oregano, and can be used interchangeably.
I boought what I thought was marjoram but turned out to be Italian oregano.

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One thing I liked about the marjoram I grew was that it didn't spread much. Many people say that they have had oregano grow rampant, and become invasive, like mint. I was surprised that marjoram didn't do this, since they are so similar.

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It will be interesting to see how big these will get. They at currently in 5-6" clay pots -- one sharing with French thyme.

But if they can handle milder winter temps -- say down to tweens, I could put them out in the Garage V8 Nursery under the bright shoplights for growing seedlings :-()

Susan W
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Looks like I bypassed this thread last spring, perhaps too busy growing oregano, thyme and marjoram.

As noted marjoram and thyme both slow and not so easy to start from seed, and takes forever and then some to get to cutting size. I had thought marjoram perennial, but is borderline for me. I have 3 -4 pots, 10" size with perhaps 3 plants each. They are slow to grow, slow the spread. Below 25 will tuck up into the mini greenhouse, colder bring in. They don't like to be inside for any duration! Out of all that may get 2 small bunches to pick for market. As I like it, will keep some going. Usually need to toss some dead in spring, and add a couple of starts (from garden center). They don't want to be cold, and saw they don't like hot direct sun in summer. I was shifting the pots last summer when they showed hurting, and given a spot with less sun helped. They went back to more sun with days cooler (under 85-90)

Marjoram and oregano are closely related. I pick both for an herb blend (veggies, soups etc), as they have distinct flavors.

Yes, I'll keep trying to grow some from seed, and with luck and diligence get a nice look 4" pot of marjoram!

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