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garlic photos

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:47 am
by Gary350
This turned out to be garlic after all. I gave some away. We ate some. This is what I have left.

A lot of these plants made tops with about 50 seed garlics per plant. It was planted summer of 2011 and harvested July 2012.



Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:37 am
by rainbowgardener
I think if you don't crowd it so much, your heads of garlic will come out a lot bigger.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:15 am
by Gary350
Garlic was in 6 rows. Rows were 6" apart. Garlic was 6 " apart in each row. I moved from that house and left the garlic there unattended for a year. The grass and weeds took over. For a long time I could see only weeds and grass. Winter killed all the grass and weeds so the garlic grew after that. Then summer arrived and the grass and weeds took over again. I went over to the old house in July and tried to pull up all the garlic. Soil was too hard so I watered it to soften the soil then it all pulled up easy. I washed off the mud and let it dry. It is a little amazing the garlic did as good as it did. The garlic is in the TN garden.

The heads are about the size of a golf ball the smaller ones about the size of a ping pong ball. I just made a pot of chili and I used a whole head of garlic, garden onions and garden tomatoes. WOW the chili is goooooood.

Before I left AZ I planted 60 garlic plants there. The automatic water system will keep them all watered.