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Starting an indoor "Tea Garden"

So my husband just got me a stacking Herbal Tea Garden for my birthday. I am going to start the seeds indoors in pete and then move them to the pot. I'd like to grow these year round in my bay window. We are avid herbal tea lovers in this house.

Any tips? I am a seasoned annual flower grower, just started dabbling in vegetables, herbs and perennials this year, so any tips you can give me will be greatly welcomed!

Also, I know my son has some issues with ragweed allergies, should I worry about growing chammomile in the house? I know they are related, but not sure if he'd be effected just by it being in the house.

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Your post was kind of vague, but I highly suggest against using a potting mix that is mostly peat based. It kills the plants. If you must use peat, dilute it with 25% perlite. Growing annuals/perrenials indoors is not that different since the weather is regulated. You will learn that some annuals will continue to live as short-life perrenials.

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You'll probably have to tell us all what you're planting, as different plants have different needs. Are you growing mainly just teas(like you find in the store) or other herbs you plan on brewing as teas(such as chammomile)? I know most herbs will do well in a sunny window(usually south or east) but I'm not sure about actual tea plants.

All I really know is that green tea is baby(un-mature) teas leaves and black tea is mature tea leaves.

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I'm sorry, I'm planting herbs to make tea with. Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, and I'm not sure what else comes with the "kit."

Anyone have a good recommendation on a book of how to brew herbal teas?

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Ragweed allergy is to ragweed pollen. If you don't let the chamomile get as far as making pollen, it shouldn't be a problem. All of the herbs mentioned should do fine in a window with good light. Just be careful about watering... more plants get killed with overwatering than under. Herbs like to dry out between waterings and don't like to sit in water.

If you are "avid herbal tea lovers in this house" then you already know how to brew teas. I can't imagine a book on the topic. How do you turn "soak your leaves in hot water and then remove the leaves" into a book?

You can brew teas from the fresh picked leaves, which is very nice and flavorful, but you need two or three times the amount of leaves that you would use with dried. You can also dry your own leaves.

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rainbowgardener wrote: If you are "avid herbal tea lovers in this house" then you already know how to brew teas. I can't imagine a book on the topic. How do you turn "soak your leaves in hot water and then remove the leaves" into a book?
The book would have different herb combinations, which herbs to avoid, and how much of each to use. That sortof thing, like a cookbook but for tea. Not all herbs work in teas, and some come out tasting bad, so a book could be pretty helpful.

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Have fun experimenting! :)

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