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Will my Parsley spread wildly?

I did not follow the directions on the back of the little packet lol, that said to make little individual holes evenly spaced out. I just kind of dug a hole and dumped the seeds in. Will they stay where they are now or will they start to spread out?

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Have the seeds sprouted? If so, the plants will most likely stay where they are. To my knowledge, they don't send out runners, like some other plants. They may reseed themselves after they bloom, and some that don't bloom this year may return next year, but other than that, parsley grows where you put it.

I hope you made a wide hole for the seeds, because each plant will want to spread to be about 12" wide.

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unfortunately I did not make it a very wide hole, they are kind of clustered together.

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Hmph. Rather than spreading wildly, they're more liable to grow spindly and weak from overcrowding.... When did you plant them? Parsley usually take a little while to sprout (1~2wks?) so I think it might be worthwhile to dig them up and spread them out. The usual recommendation is to plant 3 or 4 in each spot (not even the same hole, mind you) :wink:

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applestar wrote:Hmph. Rather than spreading wildly, they're more liable to grow spindly and weak from overcrowding.... When did you plant them? Parsley usually take a little while to sprout (1~2wks?) so I think it might be worthwhile to dig them up and spread them out. The usual recommendation is to plant 3 or 4 in each spot (not even the same hole, mind you) :wink:
a while ago but they just came out of the ground and they are still pretty short. how would I go about digging them up and replanting them?

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