Jeremy brua
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Every time I get some dill going it gets about 1.5" tall then falls over. I noticed the stem breaks off and the plants die. I am starting them inside on a window sill. My dad thought I over watered the last ones so this time I waited till they really needed it and the same thing happened. Help!

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You really meant that it falls over at one and a half INCHES? That is a tiny little seedling. That sounds like it might be damping off, which is a fungal disease that little seedlings are prone to in conditions of too much moisture and not enough air circulation. I agree that you might do better just starting it outdoors. My dill is in containers on my deck and currently about 4 feet tall.

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Dill really does not like to be pampered. It likes unimproved soil and very little water. Plant it somewhere in the yard. Just clear a spot so it does not have to compete with the weeds. Throw out the seed just before you expect some rain, or give it a good soak, then water when it is nearly dry. If you are lucky you won't have to water at all. Dill is a summer herb. It usually does not do well in the wet weather of the rainy season and it does not like to be transplanted so it is best started in place from seed.

Jeremy brua
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Thanks everyone! I put some seeds out last night with the rest of my herbs. I hope they take so I can make some pickels this year. Last year I bought dill already started but couldnt find any this spring.

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