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Wild Tree Identity?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:17 pm
by Ozark Lady
I have seen these trees often. I have tried and tried to identify them, with no luck.
I always saw the little trees. Boy do they grow fast. Even when very small trees the leaves are the size of dinner plates.

I kept thinking catalpa, or buckeye, or something.

But, I have searched and found nothing. Today, we found an adult tree, of my "Adam Tree" and it has what looks like nut pods on it.

I took alot of photos, hopefully someone can identify this tree for me:

The trunk:
The leaves:
Nuts, seeds or something was in these:



What is this tree?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:59 am
by Ozark Lady
Can anyone suggest a site or forum where they can identify this tree?

I have gone through the online, leaf identification programs, I have looked for nuts, seedpods etc. I am just hitting a blank wall!

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:31 pm
by Kisal
Ozark Lady, I'm pretty sure that's an Empress tree (Paulownia tomentosa). If you're thinking of planting one somewhere, they're invasive and hard to get rid of. Also, they aren't native to the U.S. They're native to China :(

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:42 pm
by Ozark Lady
I am not thinking of planting them. They grow throughout the entire area. I see them everywhere, and no one seems to have any idea what they are. Even in town, you see them growing in any weedy overgrown place.

Invasive? My goats love them and make short work of them when they are less than 4" wide in the trunk. I needed to identify them so I would know if they are toxic to them.

Not native? No wonder I can't find them in data base searches. And with the seed pods, I see how they are getting spread so far and wide.

Thank you, I will go read up on that Chinese tree.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:50 pm
by Ozark Lady
Wow, that is it!
You found it!
Thank you, thank you.

Nitrogen rich leaves are good fodder! Cool. Wood is soft for carving, cool.

Survives forest fires? Because of underground growth. He he he, it doesn't survive goats so great. :twisted:
Sure it did survive, it sent one little one under the fence that is now growing out of their reach, but it didn't replace the quantity that they ate! I had noticed where there is one, soon there are two, then 6 etc. in clumps. And they just seem to pop up out of thin air.

If my goats love it and eat it so readily, and so completely that they kill it, I bet wild deer do that too. So, in areas with large deer populations, they should be able to limit it. Unless, you have a huge one, like we just found growing! :roll: