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Location: Southern Ontario

Overwintered Poinsettia

Hi folks. Am I on the right track with this poinsettia? I tried overwintering one a few years ago, and it seemed successful until I did something dumb and killed it just as the new leaves were growing. I don't remember what the dumb thing was - I think I took it outside on a nice warm day but forgot about it and froze it to death.

Anyway, I've read the article here and watched a few YouTubes, and the advice seems to vary about when to do what. I'll assume I'm okay to prune it down to the sticks once the last leaves fall off, probably in a few weeks. Then leave it alone until the weather is nice, repot, eventually take it outside.

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
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Don't over water. It is a euphorbia so does not want to be constantly wet or it may rot. Usually we prune in the months starting with A April and August. Any cuttings can be rooted. I root everything in perlite. When the weather is good above 50 degrees it can be hardened off to full sun. It is white fly trap so you will have to watch for that.

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