Louise S
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Spider living in my plant?

Hi there everyone,

A while back I bought a small creeping peperomia plant (peperomia rotundifolia), only to discover that there is a spider living in it. There seem to be more webs every time I check.

Are spiders harmful to plants? What should I do about it?

Thanks very much!

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This may not be a real spider but a sucking pest called red spider mite. Do you see any tiny -- and I mean really tiny -- red spider-like critters? Are the webbing in the leaf nodes? Are the leaves losing color?

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Spiders eat insects, so they're good for the garden, if it is a real spider. Spider mites are one of the worst pests you can have and will spread so make sure which it is.

Louise S
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Thank you for all the helpful info! I think there really is a spider living in my pepperomia - Haven't seen any of the signs mentioned. What a relief.

Thanks again!

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