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birds nest fern tips going brown

The tips of my birds nest fern are going brown but none have fallen off. It is an indoor plant and I'm not really sure what has caused this. If anyone knows why please help :(

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If the fern is in too much light, the leaves will brown on the edges and it may yellow. This is a low light plant that does not like direct light.

Bird nest ferns can tolerate a little bit of drying between watering but don't like being waterlogged. Salts can build up in the pot if it is not flushed regularly. Either take the plant outside and hose it off well and allow the pot to flush through and get all the dust off the leaves at the same time. If you can't go outside, the bathtub will also work.

Ferns in general do not need a lot of fertilizer. 1/4-1/2 strength 3-4 times a year is all they need.

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Thanks for replying :() I'm pretty sure its not getting too much light because its in a shady spot but it also isnt waterlogged so I think I might be because I let it get too dry. I have given it a drink now so I'll see if it just wont perk up in a couple of days.

Green Thumb
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A lot of times browning of the tips of potted plants tells you that the plant is not getting enough water to sustain itself. If not too big, totally submerge the pot and if the soil bubbles, it's very dry. Keep it submerged until the bubbling stops, then take it out of the water and let drain. I have to do this to my ferns every couple of weeks because their root system takes up a lot of their pot.

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