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Growing Orchid from Cutting

Hello all! I was given this orchid stem at a restaurant and I was wondering if it was possible to plant it or otherwise make it grow in a pot to conserve it.
The stem is diagonally cut and has no roots, but it seems to be fresh.

Would anyone be so kind to suggest how I could make it grow (or if it could grow roots if I potted it) and around how long it would take?

Thank you very much :D

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It will not root. However the plants are very reasonably priced at Lowes and some grocery stores. Most orchids can easily be propagated via division of a clump.

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Yes, most orchids even from seeds take years to become a plant. You need to have rhyzomes for divisions unless you are growing vanilla which is a vine and you can grow them from 3 ft cuttings. Most orchids are grown from meristems (mericlones) or seed pods that have been grown in a lab.

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Jewell orchids can be propagated by cuttings, and some of Jewell orchids can produce roots even in water.

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By the way, some piece of content on orchid propagation https://www.lookingafterorchids.com/use ... opagation/

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True a jewel orchid can be planted by cuttings. It is a terrestrial orchid and lives in the soil. It is grown mostly for the leaves and not the flowers. It is not the usual way most orchids are propagated. The orchid in your picture is a spray from a dendrobium and it cannot be propagated from that. Dendrobiums are epiphytes. They can be grown from seed, if you want to wait a few years. Most people who are not breeding just divide the plants if they are lucky when they repot.

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