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Best plants for window growing

What are the best herbs or small vegetables to be grown with natural light in a window?
Some of the plants will be transplanted but looking for herbs that would do well in 12 oz cups.
I have a large window planter I would like to fill. Pics are at tplanter com.
Any suggestions?

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I plant my herbs outside, but the herbs that are super easy for me are rosemary, thyme, mint, and oregano. I usually have hard time with basil and cilantro.

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Where are you located please update your profile? Where does the window face and how much light does it get? Do you have a camera with a light meter? If you do measure the light in the window.

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The planter can move large numbers of plants easily so all except North windows are an option.
Herbs that don't need full light and live in an East window would be really nice to know.
Don't have a lm handy but north of Columbus. Thanks for the other poster as well!
Will try them. Have many Mint seeds if you need them. Very pungent.
Happy Container Gardening!

Susan W
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From reading your post, trying to get some herb starts inside now, move out later after frost. Am I correct?!

From my experience of starting herbs, they are in a word slow to get up to size. I do plant starting 12 months/yr (farmers market and for me). The ones I have found best for windowsill herbs are chives, oregano and parsley. Basil needs away from window, especially in your chilly north (doesn't like cold or drafts). Marjoram, a close cousin to oregano also does well. As for mint, will try to get some new starts in small pots late summer for windowsill (note to self).

As we are on the downhill slide of winter, hopefully, you could wait until the starts are in the garden centers and set out for the summer. Most perennial. You can also try some seed starting for the herbs anytime. Ones started in summer should be up to size for bringing in come Sept-Oct.

Hope this helps, not confuses.

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