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Morning glory Vine help

Hey everyone! I have a quick question about Morning Glories. I was wondering; do they need to have something to twirl around or can I just stick their tendrils or what not to a wall? I was thinking of having them stick to a wall( I was going to staple the vine onto the wall) Is that okay?

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morning glories climb with leaf tendrils that wrap around things. They will not stick to a wall and cannot be "stapled" to it. You can get a little light trellis to put in front of the wall for them to grow up. If you don't mind the damage to the wall and it can be nailed in to (wood, shingles, etc) you can put in some small nails and but string/ twine/ fishing line, etc between the nails for the vines to cling to.

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Thank you!

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Morning glories can get out of hand so make sure you keep them in check.

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"get out of hand" means they reseed themselves freely. They are annuals and do not spread from the roots. If you don't want them multiplying rapidly, just be sure to dead head - pinch/ clip off spent blooms before they set seed.

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If you do not like the idea of a trellis and want the look of climbing the wall, as already mentioned, you might use clear fishing line and small cup hooks to create an invisible trellis. We created a diamond pattern and people asked how the vines could grow straight up without any support.

Morning glories are easy to grow and hard to get rid of if you do not like them anymore. We had some in a raised bed garden as a background screen eight feet across and four feet high. Decided we did not want that anymore after a couple of years and every year since we still get morning glories coming up. The vines were pulled and put into a compost pile and now after about five years the compost pile has a morning glory "cap" over the top. Pretty but a pain to work the pile.

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