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Super Green Thumb
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Joined: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:59 pm
Location: TN. 50 years of gardening experience.

Blackberry & Raspberry, how to grow plants from cuttings.

Dec and Jan are the best time to grow plants from cuttings. Before harvesting canes look for leaves on the ends and nodes 1½" apart along the cane. Cut canes 10" to 12" long cut off extra leaves they only need a few leaves. If canes have nodes and the wood is green they should sprout roots. I put cuttings in water then knock off the extra water before dipping the cut end in rooting powder. My rooting powder is about 7 years old I hope it is still good there in no expiration date. Next I pushed the cutting down into 6" soil, 5 cuttings in each pot. Pots with cuttings need to stay outside where they get rain and bright shade, no full sun. April 15 I will check to see if canes have roots yet. Cuttings need to be trans planted before hot weather. I am going to plant these in 2 rows, 1 ft between rows, 1 ft between plants, 50 plants in a 25 ft long row.

My old berry patch is full of 9 years of dead canes it needs to be cut down.

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