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Strawberry plants holes in leaves that are turning upwards

Can someone please help me figure out whats wrong with my strawberry plants, the leaves are turning from a dark green and flat leaves to the edges of the leaves curling upwards and becoming lighter in color, there are also more and more holes every day and on new plants.

I discovered one or two plants with the spittlebug but I am certain this is not the problem with all the plants. I now sprayed with garlic, pepper, soap water, but this was just a few hours ago, not the reason for the holes, light color and upwards turning of the leaves.

maybe I am watering too little or too much, tried more then less (this was before the leaves doing this) also added pure finished vegetable (non-manure) compost as a nice thick dressing dug into the soil around the base of each plant. have been picking the flowers off, probably too much as I only have a few on each of the two year plants, lots are one year though, don't know if they are everbearing or dayneutral but think so., not june bearing.

I am wondering if it was too much compost or maybe I should have mixed the compost with topsoil or regular dirt before applying it.

does it look like this could be overfertilization, too much/too little water, or insects?

I have done so much work preparing this patch, my mom says I dote too much on these plants, I am so trying to do my best, seems so far I have done most wrong. I have posted a couple other times on here about my strawberries and these posts confirm my ignorance. can someone please help guide me a little, maybe I should dig out some of that compost. I will post lots of pictures just if someone could please look and advice, thank you very much to this forum and the great people on here

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

The usual suspects are snails and slugs, they do love strawberries. look under the pot, they like to hide there and they come out at night after dark to chomp on the leaves and ripe berries. If you go out with a zip loc bag and some chopstix and a flashlight you will probably see them.

Spitttle bugs are an unsightlhy nuisance, hose them off with water. Most sprays will not work on them because the beetle is protected by that coat of mucousy spit.

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but the leaves are curling upwards and getting lighter, yellowy (comparing to the dark green they were). maybe there is more than one problem here.,or could a pest cause this? none of the bottom leaves have been touched, just the top ones.

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Your leaves are too nice to be a calcium deficiency which would cause leaves to curl. In the summer time, strawberries are not too keen on heat and strong sun. Usually, I cover them with a light mulch like straw, during the summer. They will multiply under the mulch and in the fall, I have strawberries everywhere. They like moist rich soil.

I plant my strawberries under my citrus trees so they are in partial shade with good light. I prune my citrus trees a little every year so they do not have a thick canopy. I also grow some strawberries in pots so I can move them around to get full sun during the cooler months and partial shade in summer. It pays to have pots because when the snails and slugs come after them, I can move them. I live in Hawaii and I plant ever bearing strawberrries. I don't grow June bearing because my day is not long enough to get fruit.

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If your worried about those leaves babulu try a light spray of liquid seaweed. It will replace any trace elements that they lack and gives the plant an instant boost.

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