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White Fluffy Pest (w/wings) on potted Meyer Lemon Plant

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 6:53 pm
by erjones
I have a two year old Dwarf Meyer Lemon plant that I repotted this past spring. Today, I noticed that there was white, flat, cottony colonies on some of the leaves (top and underneath) and some parts of the branches (mainly situated on branches that contained leaves nearby). I decided to get a wet papertowel and wipe off the leaves. As I was doing this, it looked like some of the "colonies" had some 1/8" chunks that looked like developing pests or perhaps moltings. Then I noticed the whitest bug I've ever seen and tried to catch it and kill it, but the thing moved like lightening! I think it had wings too. It appeared to be a spikey furry all over and I noticed that the body was sectioned into two, the head and body cavities.

So I found another white bug that and took a picture. I've included some additional pics that I thought might be pertinent to diagnosing the pest. My plant seems to be doing just fine though.

Does anyone know what this is? I want to properly identify it so I can take proper action to get rid of it.




Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:08 pm
by erjones
I noticed that my rasperries have a similar white, cottony colonization going on...

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:01 pm
by Kisal
The pest is whitefly. I believe the one you saw is a juvenile called a "crawler". You can learn more about them from this article by the Iowa State University Extension Service:

HTH! :)