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Saving my pepper plants for the winter.

So now the season is ending and I couldn't bear to leave my pepper plants since they were the first things I've planted. I was wondering if I could dig them up carefully and put them in pots and bring them inside, or would that kill them. I have a habanero plant that I saved from dying, it was only an inch tall when I planted it and was realllyyy thirsty so I put it in some nice soil and now its about 4 inches tall and it's really really bushy with one pepper on it and I REALLY want to keep that plant. Is there a method of digging or potting if this is possible?

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Some varieties of pepper plant are grown indoors but, most are simply used as an annual and are replanted (as seed) every year. Try looking at the Mcfayden catalogue (I think)

to get an idea about what sort of plant that you would use for indoor pepper plants. (This company does not ship to the U.S.A. but, will give you an idea as to the types of peppers that you would grow indoors as a perennial.)

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I have a question too: is it a good idea to trim down my pepper plants for the winter? I live in southern CA so it doesn't get too cold.

Super Green Thumb
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Hmmmm, any pepper officianados out there who can lend insight?

I should think that trimming the old growth from a perennial plant would be fine but, I've not done it myself.

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