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Pinching strawberry blooms

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:14 am
by ljcoolj
I've just planted 15 everbearing strawberry plants here in zone 6. I've read that I should pinch the blooms off until June 1st. Is this true?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:31 am
by hendi_alex
That is what all of the sources say, but I could just about as easily pinch off my own hand! I planted 25 Ozark Beauty and 25 tristar plants a few weeks ago. The plants are growing vigorously, have lots of top growth, and are loaded with their first blooms. For better or worse, in this yard, every single bloom will be given an opportunity to produce fruit. Will post some photos soon.

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:15 am
by ljcoolj
hendi_alex wrote:That is what all of the sources say, but I could just about as easily pinch off my own hand! I planted 25 Ozark Beauty and 25 tristar plants a few weeks ago. The plants are growing vigorously, have lots of top growth, and are loaded with their first blooms. For better or worse, in this yard, every single bloom will be given an opportunity to produce fruit. Will post some photos soon.
LOL! I was thinking the same thing too! I've pinched off a few blooms and it about killed me to do that! I just thought 'there's no way I'm pinching these off until June 1st'.

Glad you posted this question

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:52 am
by kylie77
I was just coming on looking for this information. I have stawberried started from seed and they're tiny, will take forever to bear fruit. I bought 7 plants tday and they already have blossoms. I've read that you should pinch all the blossoms off the first year! I REALLY don't want to do that. I was considering letting the ones I bought bear fruit and pinching off the blossoms of the ones I've started from seed (assuming they get that far!). Do you think it's worth it? I read that if you pinch off the blossoms the first year by the second year they will produce a LOT more. But... I want stawberried THIS year! lol

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:41 am
by The Helpful Gardener
I am in the same place with asparagus as the roots I planted last year are spearing; shouldn't take any this year and let the plants develop, but... :twisted:

I will be strong. I will put off today for better tomorrows. I will let my plants be plants this year, and let them do what they will...

Say it with me...SAY IT! :lol:



Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:53 am
by kylie77
lol! I don't think I could do it to all of the plants!!! The ones I'm growing from seed I could as I think it'll be months and months before there are any blooms anyway, but the others already have some baby strawberries on them. I'm hoping this means it's too late to pinch them??!!!

I love asparagus! I haven't planted any because I read you aren't supposed to eat any off the plant for 4 years! I couldn't wait that long! Well I suppose I could really, but it's a long time to wait. We're not settled enough to know for sure where we'll be in 4 years! I couldn't risk not being able to enjoy the asperagus!!!

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:01 pm
by The Helpful Gardener
Good things come to those who wait... :wink:

A few in moderation in a year will be fine, but I'm waiting...