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Need help with Figs and Plumbs

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:16 pm
by fun_n_thecountry
Hello all! I have a question about my Fig trees, I have a huge mass of them (about 5 as best I can tell) growing together. They take up a lot of space. But they produce lots of figs. Buckets of them! Problem is, I can only get to about 1/4 of them and the birds get plenty. I don't want to cut the birds out of thier share, but I was thinking of cutting them all back into individual trees. Something more manageable. I was wondering when a good time to do this was and if it was even advisable. I don't want to kill the trees.
My other question is about plumb trees. The previous owner of this property didn't take very good care of this very old tree and it is covered in a fungus and it looks like part of it is dead or at least looks that way. I let two sprigs come up off of the roots and they are about 2ft tall. Is it ok to relocate them? I tried with some smaller sprigs and they died. This parent tree may have seen better days and I want to keep the fruit coming. Thanks for any help!! I just bought this property a year or two ago and this is all a new experience for me