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I Cleaned Up My Raspberry Patch

I set out 6 raspberry canes 3 or4 years ago. I mulched it with some sawdust, but didn't put on as much as I should have. I pretty much just neglected it ever since.

I decided to clean it up today. It took about 6 hours to pull the weeds and put 17 wheelbarrow loads of sawdust on.

They would probably be a lot thicker if the weeds hadn't been choking them.

I got my workout for the day.
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Where do you get this kind of sawdust?

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I have several small sawmills within 20 miles of my place. The one I usually get it from charges $5 to load you whether you have a pickup or a huge dump truck. They don't actually charge for the sawdust because there is so much available in this area, they have trouble getting rid of it.

If you want some to use, call some local sawmills and ask if they sell to individuals. In some areas, though, there is a good market for it and they charge for it.

Make sure you don't get walnut unless you know the specifics about it and are going to use it where it won't do any harm. It will kill many plants and if used as bedding, will kill horses.

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