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Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:40 pm
Location: US

Ponds and wildlife

I logged on early this morning and the news of the day was a man who went fishing and caught a 92# Asian Carp. I'm a wetlands kinda person and that includes ponds and such as well as all the native critters and plants associated with these ecosystems and I think my heart skipped a few beats when I saw what he pulled out of the water-
Good Lord, I don't weigh much more than that fish! The photo is pretty wild given he caught that here in the US.

Little blurbs on Asian Carp which would include koi-

I guess this is me just sharing that NA fish hunt mostly by sight so they must have clear water combined with light from the sun above to survive. Asian carp are gluttonous vacuums consuming up to 40% of their body weight a day that root around at the bottom with their snouts for invertebrates uprooting aquatic vegetation turning waters dark and mirky while churning sediments. When they do this, they destroy vegetation that native fish spawn in and muddy the waters which severely reduces visibility which has resulting in native fish die offs that we will be hearing more of in the years to come. Many Asian Carp also feed on plankton and native fish larvae. Grass Carp are also Asian and they eat the aquatic vegetation our native fish depend upon.

Plea- Goldfish and Koi are Asian Carp too. If you have these types of fish, please don't toss them or their fry in any natural body of water. I should add to please not toss water hyacinth or any other pond plant into any natural body of water too. I love the wildlife in my ponds and am working hard to restore one large pond here that will be home to native fish once again.

Everyone please go fishing for Asian Carp!

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