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I might start stealing the squirrel's cache

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:51 pm
by applestar
I wrote in another thread:
Subject: I hate squirrels.
applestar wrote:I don't often see the squirrels digging UP anything I planted.

What I do see is signs of squirrels BURYING their cache of tree seeds "for later" -- especially late summer through fall. Sometimes, in the process, they disturb where I might have sown seeds or little seedlings are growing. Occasionally, but not often, this happens in flower pots and window boxes. :x

They usually bury using same technique as I use when planting garlic cloves and flower bulbs -- while pulling open the hole, push the object into the bottom, then let the soil fall back in over the object. So most of the time, it's just a single squirrel front paws sized hole about 1" in diameter and a little bit more comet streak scratch and pile of potting mix.

In spring through early summer, they sometimes remember that they buried something and (try to) dig them up. Often, by that time, I've been planting in the container or garden bed, and had unearthed their treasures and tossed them over by the back fence. :twisted: They do seem to make bigger messes then because they frantically *search* the spot and dig in several directions. :?

Most of the time, I discover they had planted their snacks because those seeds sprout and grow "volunteers" -- a lot of hickory, oak, and plum (they eat the fruit and bury the stones)... Maybe some of the cherries as well. :roll:

They seem to be just as busy burying them in the middle of the lawn as in garden beds. :lol:
... Well, yesterday, I repotted/uppotted some of my bigger container plants in preparation for bringing them inside later. It's better to do this about a month before so they have a chance to recover and settle in while they are still outside with plenty of light.

When I was dumping out the old potting mix and mixing with fresh and amendments, I found three hickory nuts that some squirrels had buried. In the past, I simply threw those into the woods and back by the fence, but this time, I decided to wash them and try opening them.

Well, look at these! They look -- and tasted -- great! :-()
The trees are in the woods behind the property and one of them drops nuts into my neighbor's backyard, which they complain about constantly, but practically none fall in mine :? BUT the squirrels are constantly burying stuff in my garden Image

Re: I might start stealing the squirrel's cache

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:10 am
by Asica
I am surrounded by squirrels too. My old Neighboor loved feeding them with peanuts, that they would hid all over my yard, mostly pots. The bad part was I was taking care of a child who was allergic to peanuts! I have to say peanut plant is very pretty. Anyway, some time later I was watching TV show, and learned that squirrels have memory of three days! They simply forget where they put the seed after three days. . The good part is they help grow the forest.
I am glad you enjoyed the nuts.