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My neighbour gave me a brilliant idea for a bird bath. I have always wanted one but felt unable to as I have cats. It's very simple and cheap. You get a hanging basket and line it with either black bin liner or see through plastic. I cut it to size and sewed the top of the liner around the edge of the top of the basket and then to make it blend into the garden nicely I threaded some ivy round it. I then hung it securely in my tree a good 8 - 10 ft up. Right next to my bird seeds etc. So now the birds can safely eat, drink and be merry! Anyone got any other ideas. Love to hear from you. Cheers

Super Green Thumb
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Welcome, LJF! Hope you like it here as much as I do. As for birdbaths, I suppose anything designed to keep squirrels at bay (and works) would work for cats, too. Baffles, pepper, a dog... :)

Happy gardening!


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