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Wha? ...OPOSSUM!? ...and what about the groundHOG?

It's been hot. I have been looking out of the windows several times every day to see if the groundHOG has come back, but I haven't been really working out in the garden since Sat. Just quickly pick near-ripe tomatoes and water containers. I haven't been out by the compost piles since Sunday.

Today, I took out some kitchen scraps, and first thing I notice is this nice layer of loose soil all over the right most empty compost bin floor. "What the...?" -- then I see it. A groundHOG hole where all the dirt had come from. I tried filling the hole with water from the hose I was holding, but wow the soil is REALLY nice there under the crabapple tree. It wouldn't fill up. :roll:

I rolled an old tree stump in front of the hole to block it, and crammed all the gaps with sticks and branches from the woodpile.

Then I started watering my container plants. All the vacationing plants and some tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants that never got planted languishing in their small containers.... Then I turned around and started watering the tomatoes that I did plant in larger containers... And I see something behind me out of the corner of my eye....


I was so flabbergasted I didn't know what to do, then pointed the watering wand with gentle shower rose I was holding and turned up the pressure -- not that it sprays at all that's the whole point of the thing, but I did start to get it wet -- and it did not go any faster but turned its head in an irritated manner and silently snarled at me. I was really completely taken off guard and followed it while continuing to ineffectually "water" it with my wand :oops:

I was powerless as I watched it make it's way behind the central air conditioning unit and into the shrubbery behind. :roll:

Later when I came back to the picnic table I realized several containers are on their sides -- I had not noticed.... Do you think the opossum was THERE when I watered the plants? I can't even think where it had come from. I haven't seen opossums around here for years, not even with the small woods behind our house.:?


The thing of it is, last week we discovered that yellow jackets had come back and were nesting in some old stumps that we had on our driveway. The guys sprayed the heck out of it, then managed to move it under a tree in the front yard away from the driveway and sidewalk, where we're just going to leave them until frost to get rid of them. I'm hanging home made yellow jacket traps from the tree branches in hopes of reducing their numbers. I looked up possible predators for yellow jackets, and skunks and opossums came up.... 8) (I was thinking we DON'T want skunks... Too badwe don't have any opossums around....)

The a/c unit shrubbery where it hid is convenient to the garden gate where I see something has been getting under, and the tree with the yellow jacket stump is right outside it....

...but I found two near ripe tomatoes with bite marks and one almost entire tomato that had been eaten -- just hanging by the stem and top. Did the opossum do that, or was it the grounHOG? We have near 100°F heat wave for the rest of the week. I fear for my tomatoes.... :|

What are typical opossum damage to the garden?

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Last evening, I went to check on that hole, and found that the stump had been moved a bit and there was feces on the loose dirt near the compost pile that looked almost exactly like the one shown on this page :eek:

Had I not seen the opossum earlier, I would have suspected a stray cat since my neighbor feeds them, traps and gets them altered, then feeds them some more.... :|

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Bump -- didn't get to go outside yesterday... Hurt my back ...but am determined to go out and water the container plants today, possibly put some in too small containers in the ground so they don't croak in the near 100°F heat wave we're having. :eek:

Would love some input about the opossum from people who's had them in their gardens before. :?

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Sorry about your back, applestar, hope it gets well again soon!

I do have opossums around my yard, but since I also have a lot of raccoons and regular groundHog visitation, I've never been able to specifically ID what damage the possum does, if any. Possums, more than groundHog, eat insects, snails, worms, rats, mice, and carrion as well as fruit. Although they are omnivores, I don't think they eat plant leaves much. They like the food that we put out for the cats, but otherwise they eat a lot of maggots and grubs. Possums might eat tomatoes in a pinch, but generally they like sweeter fruit. They like corn, like every other critter. I don't think they are nearly as bad to have in the garden as the groundHog.

I recognize the groundHog damage, because she comes along and chews plants from the top down, leaving just stems sticking up a few inches.

I would suspect the groundHog for your tomato damage. My fenced in tomatoes, I often see the groundHog going crazy on the fence trying to get to them and never the opposum. If it were raccoon, the whole tomato would probably be gone and some things trampled as well, maybe branches broken.

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Thanks for replying rainbowgardener. :D

My back seems to be primarily muscle spasms. I felt well enough to water and pick tomatoes. I pushed myself into digging some potatoes -- luckily most of them were still early so I didn't feel compelled to dig the entire bed. :P I did trade digging potatoes for planting those root bound plants though, but I told myself it's probably better to plant them tomorrow when I can water and then it's supposed to rain on Sat.

I found another entire eaten tomato today, as well as a few with teeth marks.
-- the larger fruit left on the truss had claw punctures on the other side. :x

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If you really want to know who is doing it, clear mulch and everything away from the tomato plants and water until the ground is a bit soft. Then when a tomato disappears, you can look for footprints.


Image ... tracks.jpg

Woodchuck/ groundhog:

Image ... Prints.gif


Image ... tracks.jpg

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