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Adopted mulberry clipping in need

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 3:24 pm
by Gillybby
For as long as I can remember, I've always loved mulberry trees. Unfortunately I could never eat much of the fruit because the birds would always get to them before we could.

A friend of mine told me that a co-worker of theirs had some Mulberry clipping's he had set in a pot of soil and offered them to us. I was so excited!
But when I saw the clippings in the pot I was worried.

[url=][X][/url] [url=][X][/url]

I desperately want to seperate, straighten and stake them, but I'm a little worried about the stress it would put on them (they already look stressed enough) and if they'd survive it. They were also given to me in very shallow soil. We've topped the soil up a little until we figure out what to do. The leaves are also in a poor condition and I'm not sure if it's been eaten or if they're even likely to survive or not.

Can anyone offer me any advice to make sure these guys get the best chance of survival?

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:44 pm
by rainbowgardener
You do know you can put your picture right in your post, right?


I'm notorious for killing cuttings, so hopefully someone will come along with more expertise. But in the meantime, since those are looking kind of pathetic... If it were me I would take them out (I doubt they are well rooted where they are), dip them in rooting hormone, put them in separate pots, buried considerably deeper, and then arrange some kind of humidity cover over them and keep them out of direct sun.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:08 pm
by Gillybby
Thankyou :) I'll get on repotting right away.
And I know, I just feel like sometimes I clutter up my posts with the pictures.

Edit: Repotted them last night. They had a little bit of a root system, but I gave them a dip in powdered hormone anyway.
They look so much better standing upright. I just hope they live :(