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Weeping Pussy Willow Tree

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 7:29 pm
by RE
Hi my name is RE and I just bought a Weeping Pussy Willow Tree-the instructions say that after new shutes flower to cut it down to 2 inches of the branch-I love this different tree and do not want to damage or kill it does anyone have any helpful hints-my mother-in-law who "knows everything about everything-haha" keeps telling to cut the long hanging branches and I really think thats a bad idea am I right-PLEASE HELP!!! 8)

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:28 pm
by bullthistle
Anytime new plants are planted they should be pruned back and the backfill should be amended with manure or compost and a handful of bone meal. Each species of plants are different and I think pussy willows flower on new growth so that's why she suggested cutting back the shoots.

Weeping Pussy Willow Tree

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 10:01 am
by RE
Thank you so much for your response, however this is a baby tree and needs to be kept inside for the first winter, I am still wondering how harding these trees are and if they are high or low maintenance trees while inside, I do know that once outside AFTER their first winter inside that they are low maintenance, Thank you once again RE :)