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Burkwood's Broom

Hi all!

Last Spring (2009) we purchased an assortment of plants for our new landscaping. One of the items we purchased was a 'Burkwood's Broom.' It is a red-pink color. I would like to know if it should be given a "haircut" before Spring like one would do to ornamental grasses or if it should not be touched. Does anyone recommend this plant? It seems to be in the Scotch Broom family and I haven't heard any positive things about it, so should I seriously consider replacing it with something else before it spreads to the neighborhood? I plan on getting a Laceleaf Japanese Maple this Spring as well. Is this a a plant worth purchasing?

Greener Thumb
Posts: 1152
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:26 am
Location: North Carolina

I wouldn't plant the broom close to the house since it could reach 5' or more, it is a fast grower, but not aggressive. It is short-lived but to rejuvinate cut close to the ground. Any Jap maple is good but do not plant in open space but rather protected from the wind and sun in winter and as it grows selectively prune since you want the plant to grow out and up and you might want to protect it from alot of snow.

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