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Cherry Tree Issues

We planted an ornamental cherry tree back in May (we live in NE Oklahoma), we puchased it in a plastic container not a burlap ball. Planted it with potting soil and fertilizer. Added a layer of mulch on top and a fertilizer stake. We have been watering it at least once a week by leaving the hose on a slow trickle for a few hours.

About 4 days ago the weather changed pretty drastically here from 70-80 degree weather to 100 degree weather. Almost immediately our tree started looking a little wilty, so I gave it an additional watering. but last night I noticed that now all the leaves are dried up and crunchy.

What should I do? Is my poor tree a goner or should I keep watering it? I feel sad for it, it looked like it was doing so well before the hot weather hit. Do you think there is any hope it will pull through?


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I am having the same problem, I live in SE Wisconsin and 2 days after I planted my cherry tree, the temp jumped from 60deg, to 90 and humid as all h***!!! It is wilting terribly and a lot ot the outer leaves are turning yellow. I give it about a gallon of water a day, occasionally mixed with Miracle Grow. BUT.... I was told that it may drop most if not all of it's leaves and that isn't uncommon. Just keep watering it, and it should start growing again (lets hope!) Sorry that I can't help out anymore than just what I was told, but I figured I would pass it on. Good Luck

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Thanks for sharing! I have still been watering it. The leaves are all dried up and crunchy but the limbs are still pliable, so I hope that is a good sign.

I hope everything works out with your tree!

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