Greener Thumb
Posts: 801
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Location: Canada zone 8b

Grafted or Cut?

My husband made a discovery that all trees that have been planted by our city look as if their main leaders were cut at about 6 ft tall and have had a couple branches grafted to them where the leader was cut. Is this true? Or have they cut it and then the other branches just grew out on their own?
Sorry if this seams like a silly question :oops: but I really wanna know

Greener Thumb
Posts: 1030
Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:12 pm
Location: central Ohio

It looks like they were topped (cut off) and the branches grew from buds formed on the main trunk.

Greener Thumb
Posts: 801
Joined: Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:20 pm
Location: Canada zone 8b

Are there any advantages to topping trees? Don't they grow better that way?

Greener Thumb
Posts: 1030
Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:12 pm
Location: central Ohio

No advantages, absolutely none unless it is done in the process of removing a tree.
Topping is when all the little branches are removed and most of the big ones leaving just stubs. This removes the leaves that would normally feed the tree, essentially weakening the root system. The new branches that grow are weak, fast growth that a tree puts out in an effort to produce a canopy. In later years those weak branches are more vulnerable to storm damage. The large cut stumps are an open invitation to disease and rot. A tree has a hard time healing over a large cut area.
Many tree service companies claim topping will slow the growth and remove dangerous overhanging branches. In reality they are ensuring that you will be calling them in a few years to remove a now sick or dead tree.
It also makes trees terribly ugly. Another common practice involving street trees is to trim one side completely off. That makes the tree weak on one side and more liable to tipping over after a storm or hard rain.
I've seen some very old (100+ years) and previously lovely trees killed by topping. Younger trees can survive a butcher attack but will be forever ugly. Old trees will be dead in a matter of years. Topping is not pruning and is not approved by arborists or forest service personnel.

There is a lot of info about the dangers of topping trees. Google "tree topping dangers" if you want more of an explanation. I gave you a condensed version.

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