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Does Anybody Know This???

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:20 pm
by BajaMitch
1. Does anybody know, for the average single tomato plant, what the range is, by grams, of the uptake for each of the following six nutrients: N,P,K, Ca, Mg, S? P is actually P2O5 and K is actually K20, the other 4 are lone elements, not molecules or empirical formulas.

2. Does anybody know the range by weight of the average yield of the average tomato plant?

Not asking for exactness, just a range.

Thank you in advance.

Re: Does Anybody Know This???

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:44 pm
by imafan26
all the things your asking depend on the plant especially average weight and yield. A beefsteak tomato weighs more but is usually less productive in terms of number of fruit than a sweet million cherry tomato. Some tomatoes with very good flavor yield poorly relative to the size of the plant. I.e black cherry has a 7-8 foot indeterminate vine but yields much less than other cherry tomatoes. Some tomatoes like brandywine and delicious can weigh over a pound. But those same tomatoes grown under my short day conditions can't quite make it that big.
Nutrient uptake is governed by a few different factors such as temperature, light, type of soil, pH, stage of growth as well as variety of plant. You would not expect red robbin tomato to need as many nutrients as a brandywine.
this website will give you an idea of how nutrient requirements change at different stages f ... uirements/

Re: Does Anybody Know This???

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:21 pm
by BajaMitch
Thanks for the replay imafan26.

I read that article a while back. I especially like the two graphs showing the percentage of nutrient content of the tomato yield and for the plant itself.

Of course there are always going to be variables. That's a given. The question I ask hereinabove is asking for a reasonable "average range" of nutrient uptake. That allows for normal levels of variance. I mean, if one were to ask "what is the average height of an adult male in the USA?", one recognized health organization reports it is 5 ft 9 inches. They could have gone into all the variables and not actually posit an average value because of all the combinations of values yield only various answers and not one value.

Even the graphs in the link that you provide do not specify which cultivar the graphs represent; it's a generalization in the form of an "average". That is all I am asking.

Knowledge of that average would be very useful and would serve as a good reference point; very useful.

Re: Does Anybody Know This???

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:44 pm
by imafan26
average yield 50-250 lbs except for the mini which would be a lot less.
average height for a determinate is anywhere from 10 inches for a mini to 5 feet
Average height for an indeterminate would be 7-12 ft if left unpruned.
Maybe this link has the information you want regarding nutrients. It measures nutrients by percentages and ppm