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My Cherry Tomato Growing List for 2014

Hi Everyone,

I grow only cherry tomatoes as I live by the ocean and it stays too cool to grow bigger ones. Here is my list:

Sungold - everyone's favorite
Snow White- I grew last year and LOVED.
Isis Candy - Sooo delicious. Sweet and complex flavors
Sweet Baby Girl - red, sweet, a winner
Purple Haze - Beautiful color, sweet and smokey.

I have grown all the above and will every year as everyone loves them. Here are the new ones I am trying this year.

Sunchocola - I was at a tomato tasting last year and was blown away at the flavor. Sweet, smoky, complex like a wine and the color is a beautiful burgundy. I'm getting two of these.

Orange Paruche - I am told this is the new Sungold. We will see.

Green Doctors Frosted - this will be my first time growing a green tomato. I am told it's hard to tell when it is ripe. It is supposed to be very sweet and a lot of people's new favorite.

Lollipop- yellow and also supposed to be very sweet and complex.

Blondkupchen - currant size cherry. A lot of people think this is the best tasting cherry ever. We will see.

Sweet Treats - the first pink cherry tomato. Very, very sweet and complex. Will be fun to have a pink to mix in with the other colors.

I have room for 2 more. If you have any standouts you think I should add, please let me know.

My plants are going in this Sunday in Earthboxes. I hope everyone has a great growing season!


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You have some wonderful selections there. I have grown many, and loved them all. Have you tried Submarine Blush, and Casino Chips? Black cherry, which is my second most favorite next to Sungold F1. Sunsugar F1, which is almost exactly like Sungold, but doesn't crack as much?
PM me if you would like some seeds from Black Cherry, Sub.Blush, and Cas.Chips. :)

Your season sounds like it will be amazing. Oh, I forgot, green when ripes go through a subtle color change, they usually get an amber cast to them, and they get softer to the touch. You will know when they are ripe. 8)

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I second Black Cherry, if you haven't grown this you must. Never met an unhappy customer.

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Yes, I have grown Black Cherry and think it is yummy. Normally I would grow it again but after tasting Sunchocola last summer which just made me question if I ever really tasted a tomato before, from now on it's Sunchocola for me in terms of black tomatoes. I would have questioned myself if I made up the incredible flavor in my head but at the tomato tasting were all these other tomato maniacs and we all could not stop talking about how delicious they were.

Please try it and tell me if it has the same effect on you!
Last edited by Jenny168 on Thu Apr 03, 2014 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Got any seeds Jenny? I have a few :-() I could trade.

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I'm sorry, I'm not a seed saver as I don't have room to grow plants inside so I just buy seedlings.

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No worries. Thanks though

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Sweet mojo was pretty good and it was not grown in ideal conditions

I liked black cherry too.

I tried to grow isis candy twice but it died. It must not have the kind of disease resistance I need.

Sounds like a great list.

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Hi Everyone,

I grow only cherry tomatoes as I live by the ocean in Santa Monica, CA and it stays too cool to grow larger ones. Here is a list of the plants I purchased that are going to be planted this Sunday April 6, 2014. I had to go to three different vendors to get all the ones I wanted which are Laurel's Heirloom Tomatoes, Tomatomania which holds events around Los Angeles area and Lazy Ox Farms. Laurel's and Lazy Ox can be ordered online.

Sungold - everyone's favorite
Snow White- I grew last year and LOVED.
Isis Candy - Sooo delicious. Sweet and complex flavors
Sweet Baby Girl - red, sweet, a winner
Purple Haze - Beautiful color, sweet and smokey.

I have grown all the above and will every year as everyone loves them (Purple Haze might lose its place to Sunchocola if it is as delicious in my garden as it was at the tasting). Here are the new ones I am trying this year.

Sunchocola - I was at a tomato tasting last year and was blown away at the flavor. Sweet, smoky, complex like a wine and the color is a beautiful burgundy. I'm getting two of these. A true revelation.

Orange Paruche - I am told this is the new Sungold. We will see. I have not tried. People at the tomato tasting loved it so much that it was all gone by the time I got to it.

Green Doctors Frosted - this will be my first time growing a green tomato. I am told it's hard to tell when it is ripe. It is supposed to be very sweet and a lot of people's new favorite.

Honey Drop - Golden Yellow - very sweet. I'm hearing good things about this one

Blondkupchen - currant size cherry. A lot of people think this is the best tasting cherry ever. We will see.

Sun Cherry - It's by the same folks who gave us Sungold. They say it is the red version of Sungold. Supposed to be wonderful.

Sweet 100 - Hard to go wrong with a classic that everyone seems to love. Believe it or not, I have never actually tasted one.

Sugary - Pinkish red. Super sweet. Unusual shape with little points at both ends.

Pink Bubblebee - Beautiful colors and sweet

Purple Bubblebee - Beautiful colors and sweet. If you haven't seen what the Bumblebee tomatoes look like, do a search and check it out.

22 tomato plants for me this year. This is the most I have ever planted. I will keep you all updated as to the progress and most important, the flavor and production.

My plants are going in this Sunday in Earthboxes. I hope everyone has a great growing season!

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I have only planted sweet 100. From what I read here I am missing out :(

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Hi Jenny, how are your cherries doing? Got any ripe fruits yet?

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As a matter of fact, I do! I've picked about 6 or 7 fully ripe Sungolds. The Sweet Baby Girl's are starting to get color. I have little green tomatoes everywhere. This is going to be a great tomato year for me. I have never been able to pick a tomato before July let alone in May. It's crazy.

What has made all the difference is this huge reflective piece of white plastic I put up behind my tomatoes. It is blindingly bright when the sun hits it and it really is making a difference in terms of the growth rate. I've got to do all I can growing in coastal conditions and this was an experiment and it is really working.

How is your garden growing so far? Any ripe ones?

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Wow. Just a white plastic, huh? Good to know. My season is being prolonged by my cherries, some were volunteers that fell and sprouted, and I transplanted them. I have Sun sugar going crazy, amethyst cream , a blue one(6) of tbem from volunteers, Cherry Roma, and Sun Cherry, all are a second crop from voljnteers except the Sun Sugar which took off after its mate in ghe earthbox died. Also Fish Lake Oxheart is producing 8 more fruits about 5 oz size. I love that tomato! Mostly my season is about done but can't complain because usually everything is done by the end of April. It has been since October here in our reverse growing season.

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I'm bumping this thread because the OP posted a wonderful long list of cherry tomatoes with descriptions, and I thought I would add the ones I'm growing this year here with comments and reviews.

If everyone else could add their experience with the listed varieties or other varieties they have grown, this thread could become the go-to resource for cherry tomato varieties. 8) :-()

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