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Super Green Thumb
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I planted Tomatoes last week from seeds

The tomatoes I planted in April are not doing well no rain and several months of 100 degree weather the plants are small and the tomatoes are few and the size of golf balls.

I sliced several tomatoes and squeezed them into a bowl of water. I poured the seed water mix in 20 different places now I have about 50 plants coming up in each place. When the plants get a little larger I will thin them down to one plant. I should have some good cool weather tomatoes about October.

I planted beans, squash, okra, peppers yesterday Aug 4 from seeds too. Cool weather crops always turn out good.

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Super Green Thumb
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I like doing fall planting, but here I would never think of planting summer stuff now...

Really you think you can have ripe tomatoes in October, starting from seed now? I would have thought more like Thanksgiving... and peppers are even slower. Are you planning to bring them in for the winter?

I'm about to start planting seeds for things like chard and spinach.

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Super Green Thumb
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Good luck Gary.

I planted 5 plants about a month 1/2 ago in pots and left them out in a semi shady area. 2 of them made it through the heat. I put them in the ground 2 weeks ago they are going but not very fast. I also started 8 more inside that are doing great I am going to wait till they get bigger before I put them out in the heat they are just now getting their true leaves. Not sure what will come of it but it's worth a try.

Super Green Thumb
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If you plant tomatoes late make sure you only have one or two main stems and no suckers so they produce quicker.. I started in Pa. here a dozen pineapple tomatoes the first of july from seed. They are now a foot tall and I will grow them in my open greenhouse till the cold weather comes and then leave them in the greenhouse in big 4 gallon pots to grow as long as they will! I will have several planted directly in the greenhouse ground and also see how they will do. My 500 gallons of water should keep them from freezing all winter without any heat!

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