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Tomatoes have NO flavor.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:43 pm
by Gary350
The garden at the new house was not good this year. Tomatoes had blossom end rot all summer. I put lime on the soil about every other week the tomatoes finally stopped having blossom end rot in first of Sept. The Deer ate just about everything I grew except the green beans. 2 months of 95 - 100 degree weather and no rain was hard on the whole garden especially the tomatoes. Now the weather is getting cooler tomatoes are getting ripe again but they have NO flavor at all. I'm not sure why they have no flavor they are no better than a grocery store tomato. I planted 30 plants and 4 different varieties the tomatoes tasted very good in early July. The plants are starting to get blight I sprayed them for blight all summer but stopped spraying them a few weeks ago. The soil here is pretty bad no organic material at all.