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Tomato Tone

How do you all feel about Tomato Tone fertilizer? I tried a small bag of the stuff and I like the looks and smell of it a lot better than the other stuff I had been using. I hope my tomatoes like it.

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IMHO - nothing better than TT. I'll be ordering by the 20 lb. bags this year. I'll also mix in some Blood Meal and Bone Meal, depending on the plants and also water with compost tea.


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As soil fertilizer - I love Tomato Tone! And it goes a long way too!

I usually amend the beds per directions about 3 weeks prior to planting, let is start breaking down. And at planting time, handful of TT, handful of bone meal and handful of lime to each planting hole. Works great for my garden!


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Garf wrote:How do you all feel about Tomato Tone fertilizer? I tried a small bag of the stuff and I like the looks and smell of it a lot better than the other stuff I had been using. I hope my tomatoes like it.
I used TT last year and was very pleased with the results. I would normally use 12-24-12 and 15-15-15 and the TT seemed to do a better job, although I did give them a shot of 12-24-12 at blossom time.

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I was comparing tt to dr. Earth, which was a lot more expensive $9 vs $6. I'll have to look at the bags to see if the amount was similar /same. And the difference seemed to be that dr. Earth's has mycorrhizae while tt doesn't. The other ingredients including list of beneficial bacteria were very similar.

I don't know enough to make an objective comparison though.

The question then is do the mycorrhizae significantly improve the formula?

Of course I bought both. :wink:

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Actually, TT does have mycos in it. Label should read "Bio-tone®"


This article I think sums up it's benefits rather well, with out reading pages and pages of info:

And since you now have both, I think it would be fun to compare the growth of the same varieties if you get a chance? :wink:

I believe in adding mycos to the soil and seedlings, and when few years back I first found Espoma products at the locally own nursery, and tried their organic seed starting mix, potting mix and their fertilizer, I was very impressed with just about everything about it.

And for mycos, I actually planning on adding BiotaMax and Mycogrow to the soil as a drench at the planting time and few times through out the season to promote health of the plants with introduction of all those fine nature's bacteria. Amounts needed are going a long way, and over the season's length appears to be very very affordable.


P.S. I think TT the most economical way if purchased in 20lb bags as Mike said, that's what I've been doing, $12.99 at the same nursery. So glad they carry all the good stuff, unlike big stores!

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P.S. I think TT the most economical way if purchased in 20lb bags as Mike said, that's what I've been doing, $12.99 at the same nursery. So glad they carry all the good stuff, unlike big stores!
That's about the same as I paid for the 20# bags. You just might have to call around a bit to find it.

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I really love what TT does to my tomatoes; plump and juicy.

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Animals seem to like the Tomato Tone. I stored an unopened bag in the back yard and today I found the bag moved and a hole eaten in it.



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I like galvanized metal trash can with pressure fitted lid for storing anything like that, in the shed and out in a sun-sheltered spot outside. Also birdseed. I was amusing to watch a squirrel trying everything under the sun to try to get in it.

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