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How to treat nutrient deficiency? (pictures)


I'm new to this board and would like some advice. I've started to grow Patio Princess tomatoes on my balcony. I choose this variety because they grow well in containers.

In the beginning, my plants were growing healthy, with green broad leaves. But once the flowers start to show and fruit sets in, the plant becomes spindly, leaves look thin, leaf veins are purple with purple edges, and the plant gradually yellows from older leaves up the plant. My biggest suspicion is that it could be a potassium deficiency, but would like some opinions before treating the plant. I also suspect it could be a combination of being rootbound or having some type of disease?

I usually water the plant twice a week and feed once every 2 weeks with a 5-5-5 organic tea made from Dr. Earth all purpose fertilizer. I spray the plant once every 7 days with an organic soap to get rid of aphids and small black flies.

1) Can I still save my plant as it has fruit forming?
2) What is the best way to treat the plant?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Healthy plant

Problem plant

Super Green Thumb
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It's probably a nitrogen deficiency. This problem can be ammended by giving your plants a weekly dose of liquid fish or liquid seaweed fertilizer. I have one friend who used liquid fish and he said that his tomatoes tasted like fish, so based on that, I wouldn't use more than once a week tops, but other than that I don't think there should be any problems associated with these fertilizers.

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Purple leaves:
Leaves with purple veins and overall purplish tint. Early season, cool temperatures. No Insects present : Phosphorus deficiency

Leaflets roll upward and develop a purplish color, especially along the veins : Curly top virus

Super Green Thumb
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Thanks Garden mom!

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Don't thank me, thank Google! :lol: I wanted to know in case it happened to me, so I did some googling. But you're welcome to the research. :D

Super Green Thumb
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Okay then, thanks for the research and thanks for posting the resulting information from your research!

And thanks for being there!

Anyway, a weekly application of liquid fish fertilizer should cure your problem.

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try this link

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