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Leaf problems

I've tried growing a tomato plant but the leaves look like someone has taken a yellow marker pen and scribbled on some of the leavs.

How do I stop the problem?

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It sounds like leaf miner damage. They tunnel/feed between the front and back surfaces of the leaf until eventually they come out to drop in the soil below and pupate. I've never had them on tomatoes before, but I do get them on Aquilegias. I usually consider the "scribbles" a good sign -- they're STILL in there. Just snip off the affected leaves (If the plant is small, I sometimes use scissors to just cut out the scribble :wink: ) and dispose them -- not in compost.

I guess this advice doesn't work so well if you have a LOT of affected tomatoes. I'm beginning to understand the huge range in the scale of gardens folks have around here.

Good luck. :D

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This is the first time I've grown tomatoes.
Will my tomatoes be completly fine, or have they already been damaged?

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Also, could someone please give me information about common/serious diseases tomatoes can get and how to prevent/cure them.

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It depends on where you are located. Here in South Florida, we have to worry about Fungus problems due to high humidity. That is controlled with weekly/bi-weekly sprays of liquid copper fungicide.

Insects are controlled with a mix of dish soap(not anti-bacterial) and water. Not sure what the exact ratio is. I use a dial-and-spray attachment. It's probably more wasteful than is necessary because of the clean up, but it's idiot proof. Perfect for people like me who tend to mix in a little too much concentrate. 8)

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